March 18, 2009

Alzheimer's Disease: help available in Western Arkansas

Beth Deramus, representing the Alzheimer's Association's Western Arkansas Regional Center, updated the Van Buren Rotary Club on the current trends in Alzheimer's research, treatment and support for family members and care givers at the March 12th luncheon. Alzheimer's disease symptoms vary widely but the disease can cause problems with memory, thinking and behavior that are not a normal part of aging. Crawford County residents are fortunate to have a regional center located in Fort Smith where information and support groups are available.

Beth emphasized that a 24-hour help line is available at 1-800-272-3900 where trained staff members can help with information, decision-making support and crisis assistance. Confidential referrals to local community programs and services are also available.

Additional information is available on the web:
National Alzheimer's Association website:
Alzheimer's Assoc. Oklahoma and Arkansas Chapter:

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