January 30, 2009

Hello Everyone

Welcome to the Van Buren Rotary Club blog!

The primary goal of this blog is to share club announcements, reminders, news and even an occasional picture or video with club members and other Rotarians in the area, but if you are a casual visitor to our blog, feel free to explore some of the links to Rotary International and Rotary District 6110 websites and newsletters. Rotary International and its 1.2 million members are dedicated to continuing their record of service to their community and to the world. We welcome your interest and thank you for your support for our service projects. (Learn more about Rotary.)

Remember that a blog is an interactive website and designed to share information among its readers. That means you can leave a comment or ask a question about any of the individual blog posts. The comments are being "moderated" initially so that a member of the team of Van Buren Rotarians will be sure to see your post and respond to your comment or inquiry. Leave an email address if you want an individual email reply.

Rotarians believe that we can do more for our communities by working together than by working alone. We hope you'll come back and visit often.


Unknown said...

I am so impressed and proud of the Van Buren Rotary club! WAY TO GROW! A.C.

Anonymous said...

great job BR I will send info about the golf tournament