Regional Installation Banquet
Van Buren Rotary Club Past President, A.C. Moncrief was installed as Governor of District 6110 in Altus. Rotarians traveled from all over the district to attend. Fines Batchelor, our clubs longest serving active member, took the opportunity to present Pres. Shirley Williams and the Van Buren Club with a framed photograph of VB Rotary Club members taken in 1955.
Signature Rotary Event Meetings
The Van Buren Rotary Club is working to develop a "Signature Rotary Event" that will not just help raise funds for Rotary projects in the local community but increase participation by community members in their own community. The committee has narrowed down event ideas to three.
Warren Blaylock WWII vet honored by Congressman John
On August 7, 2009, Congressman John Boozman presented the Army medals and decorations earned by Warren Blaylock during World War II. Like many other servicemen returning from long tours overseas, Warren was honorably discharged and returned home before the paperwork awarding the medals could catch up with him. Among those medals was a Bronze Star, awarded only for valor or meritorious service. Warren's award included both elements as he volunteered to remain with a group of medics who stayed behind with soldiers too seriously wounded to be evacuated. The hospital staff and wounded soldiers who could be moved were evacuated to keep them out of the hands of advancing German troops.
The story had a happy ending. The next day reinforcements arrived in a last minute effort to move the wounded. Warren's volunteers and the wounded soldiers were all evacuated without the loss of a single soldier.
Warren’s family was in attendance to watch while the medals were pinned on Warren's jacket.
From Left: Donna Blaylock, Darrell Blaylock, Lucinda Blaylock, Heather Lewis w/ great grandson Logan, Warren Blaylock, Rep. John Boozman, Shirley Williams-VBRC Pres., LTC Steve Gray. Jerred Lewis, Warren's grandson was in Iraq.
You can read the whole story at:,0,922575.story
First Lady Ginger Beebe Visits VB Rotary Club
Ginger Beebe, wife of Gov. Beebe, visited the Van Buren Rotary Club on August 6, 2009 promoting her “Together We Read” statewide program. Nine Rotarians volunteered and participated by reading to VB second graders on Sept 11. Van Buren Rotary Club and the Alma Rotary Club also support the schools' reading program by purchasing a dictionary for every third-grader each year.
October Group Study Exchange Team Visit
Cathy Gifford coordinated the Group Study Exchange and the team from Chile claimed Van Buren their favorite place to visit. The Group Study Exchange (GSE) program is a unique cultural and vocational exchange opportunity for businesspeople and professionals between the ages of 25 and 40 who have an opportunity to learn about the host country. The VB Rotary Club pulled together to provided an excellent experience for the team.
Members of the GSE Team visiting Lake Fort Smith State Park with Brad Hyman, Assistant Park Superintendent.
Regional Rotary Social Event
The Rotary Clubs in the Fort Smith area jointly sponsored an informal get-together to allow Rotarians to meet members of other clubs. Stan Vlademar coordinated the event and Kevin Bell led the cooks that provided the hamburgers and brats for the assembled members, wives and guests.
A. C. and Shirley noted that the coordination of the event would be rotated among the various clubs in the Fort Smith area. Great event and Ft. Smith Downtown club has agreed to coordinate for next year.
Annual Hog Auction
The Annual Hog Auction raised $2,400 for the Van Buren Rotary Scholarship Fund awarded to help deserving Crawford County seniors attend college each year. Best auction (and most funds raised at a single hog auction) in memory. Warren Blaylock once again volunteered - this time as auctioneer.
Van Buren High School Interact Club
The Van Buren Rotary Club Interact Committee held initial meetings with the Van Buren High School principal and teacher sponsors. The plans include officially chartering the local Interact Club before the end of the year.
Rotarians and potential Interact Members Ring Bells for Salvation Army
On December 12, 2009, Van Buren Rotarians and potential members of the Van Buren High School Interact Club joined together to ring the bells for the Salvation Army in the Van Buren area. Additional Rotarians manned the bright red fund raising kettles in Alma.
That's a substantial list of accomplishments for just the first half of the Rotary year from July through December. A.C. encouraged all the Rotarians to continue their support for the Paul Harris Foundation programs fighting to eliminate polio's debilitating effects all over the world.
Rotary still has more projects in the planning stage and will continue to seek more members to help make Van Buren a better and more prosperous community. At this rate, 2009-2010 will be another outstanding year. Like A.C. said, "Keep up the good works."
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