February 10, 2009

DG Ron Petersen announces release on matching foundation points!!!

In District Governor Ron Petersen's November Blog, he called on all Rotarians in District 6110 to support the Rotary Foundation.
Consider giving just $25 a quarter over the course of every year through electronic funds transfer (EFT). Your giving will insure that future projects will not go undone. Thanks primarily to PDG Gerald Harp's continuing generosity, we still have matching Foundation credits available for Rotarians who sign up for EFT. Want more information? Go to www.ri6110.org where you can download the form to make your gift today, then lead the way as an example and be proud to stand up and challenge every member of your club to do the same.
A very generous PDG Gerald Harp provided $50,000.00 in matching foundation points for new EFT signups during the 2008-09 Rotary year. According to DG Petersen, "We find that we have a balance of nearly $31,000 in Gerald's foundation points remaining in the account, and Gerald has agreed to allow us to use these points to provide a match for Paul Harris Fellowships until the balance is used up within this Rotary year." [Emphasis added.]

The district will continue to match new EFT signups through the end of June until the balance is used up. This means that new EFT sign-ups received before June 30 will be matched. Your EFT donation program will remain in place until you notify RI that you no longer wish to participate.

The district has just four months to implement this program; so if you want to take advantage of Gerald's generous offer, please do not delay. This offer continues on a first come first serve basis until points are depleted.

The applications must be sent to Terri Pollmiller, Dist. 6110 Administrator, to qualify for the matching points. Contact your club secretary for assistance in obtaining the forms and making sure the paperwork is processed so that you get full Paul Harris Foundation and district credit for participation in the program.

UPDATE: 4/16/09 Club Presidents have been advised that matching points for this year's Rotary Foundation giving program have been depleted. Thanks to all who participated.

For more information see: Annual Program Funds (Every Rotarian Every Year)


Anonymous said...

Yes BR I do think it is easier to make a comment this way. I shall remain anonymous!

BR549 said...

You can also click on the blue comment link and read any previous comment in the pop-up and continue the conversation.